Slave in Vienna
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In the field of fetishism and BDSM, some vocabulary is not clearly defined. For example, the boundaries between sub and slave are very fluid and allow for the most diverse facets and types of play. As a rule, a slave is not simply a servant for the sexual satisfaction of her masters, but also subordinates herself in everyday life. A slave is often to be understood as an intensified version of a sub. In her role, a slave completely renounces her own rights and gives herself completely into the hands of her masters. It goes without saying that this relationship must be based on trust.
What things are important for a slave girl?
In most cases, a slave sees herself as such temporarily, i.e. during pleasurable erotic play. It is often the successful, self-confident and free-thinking women who want to take on a completely opposite role as a slave. Although there is often a financial relationship between slave and master, in very few cases is there complete financial dependence. The situation is often different with slave contracts, which are referred to as 24/7. This means nothing less than complete enslavement, i.e. every day and around the clock. Such relationships between mistress or master and slave only very rarely arise out of sexual desire or need, but in fact mostly out of financial necessity.