Sex with couples in Vienna

91 Sedcards
When it comes to professional ladies, it's mostly about sex with men, less often about sex with women. The idea of having an erotic escort for the night is even rarer for couples at the moment. A visit to a swingers club is much more likely, but sex with couples is not always what every woman present wants. However, there are many ladies who are not averse to this kind of sex – sometimes they just want a slightly different setting.

Sex with couples: How much do intimacy and payment harmonize? Sex with couples and professional love are by no means mutually exclusive. After all, many sex workers are by no means averse to their own sex and enjoy tingling threesome sex themselves. The fact that these take place in an intimate environment in which outsiders do not interfere also benefits everyone involved.
After all, at least four and often even six hands are involved in sex with couples - not to mention other parts of the body. And what could be more disturbing when losing yourself than insensitive fellow human beings who break up the scene with inappropriate comments or even interference?
With paid sex with couples in an intimate setting, these problems are of course immediately eliminated. Everyone involved has the time and freedom to develop freely and uninhibitedly.

Sex with couples – uninhibited sex in a class of its own

Of course, many people think that when having sex with couples and a professional lady, the focus is primarily on the wishes of the woman in the couple. In fact, this is often the case and need not be one-sided. Many a paid lady is happy when she can make another woman want to have sex with her own sex through tenderness and creativity.

Whether and in what form her partner then plays along can also be arranged. A triple FFM with a woman or man in the middle is not uncommon in such a ménage à trois. And also the question of whether hard or tender, with or without toys and which special extras, brings one or the other lustful additional consideration when having sex with couples.

Can BDSM and sex with couples be combined? Absolutely! Many a couple dream of devoting hours together with a maid to the pleasurable game of power and submission. A dominatrix who supports the future femdom in the education of her sub with help and advice is also an exciting enrichment for many couples. After all, when having sex with couples, not everyone involved always has to have the same amount of classic sex. Sometimes the use of toys, language and co. is the pleasure element par excellence.


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