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What would a dominus or dominatrix be without their favorite whipping tool? Although not all tops are extreme sadists, a bit of caning and whipping is a very pleasurable experience for many tops and bottoms. After all, BDSM also exists under the subheadings of „discipline“ and „sadomasochism“. And cane and whip breeding is suitable as a form of play for all variants. Some fear it, others long for it. But an incredibly high number of fetish and BDSM fans enjoy it in a special way!
As with D/s, most BDSM practitioners assume a comparatively clear sense of power. In this conception, for example, the dominatrix corresponds to the sadist and the slave to the masochist.
However, this is not absolutely necessary, because cane and whip breeding can also be a tingling experience without dom-dev elements. There is nothing to stop the masochistic partner from choosing their own „instruments of torture“such as a flat hand, paddle, whip, crop or cane and deciding for themselves how far the caning and whipping may go.
But for those who like it, caning and whipping also serve as an excellent educational element - and that includes some impressive instructions?Can caning and whipping be used as a pleasurable punishment?
In principle, the activities of caning and whipping in D/s play do not necessarily differ from the SM variants. However, they are based on a different basic understanding: as the submissive part hands over control to the top, he does not have to exhibit masochistic traits in order to enjoy caning and whipping. It is enough if the top feels like it or has found a good reason for punishment.
Cane and whip breeding: How horny can canes can be?
As with D/s, most BDSM practitioners assume a comparatively clear sense of power. In this conception, for example, the dominatrix corresponds to the sadist and the slave to the masochist.However, this is not absolutely necessary, because cane and whip breeding can also be a tingling experience without dom-dev elements. There is nothing to stop the masochistic partner from choosing their own „instruments of torture“such as a flat hand, paddle, whip, crop or cane and deciding for themselves how far the caning and whipping may go.
But for those who like it, caning and whipping also serve as an excellent educational element - and that includes some impressive instructions?
Can caning and whipping be used as a pleasurable punishment?
In principle, the activities of caning and whipping in D/s play do not necessarily differ from the SM variants. However, they are based on a different basic understanding: as the submissive part hands over control to the top, he does not have to exhibit masochistic traits in order to enjoy caning and whipping. It is enough if the top feels like it or has found a good reason for punishment.
Incidentally, caning and whipping need not be limited exclusively to games between two people. It also finds enthusiastic followers in role-playing games such as pony play. Logically, in this combination it is often performed using the thematically perfect riding crop.
What is important for cane and whip breeding?
In addition to the right equipment, time, courage and anatomical knowledge are absolute must-haves for cane and whip breeding.
In other words: One thing at a time. First of all, the active part should get to know the right caning techniques and „striking points“ exactly. Because while blows to the buttocks are comparatively unproblematic in cane and whip breeding, the situation is quite different with blows to the kidney area.
The same applies to the intensity of the blows: Since the individual blows have a strong punctual effect and can leave clear marks, a successful dosage is of great importance. And nothing would be more inappropriate in cane and whip breeding than if the fun is over too quickly due to health problems of the passive part. So it is better to start slowly and increase the intensity gradually than to overdo it immediately. Then the pleasurable screams will also work!
What is important for cane and whip breeding? In addition to the right equipment, time, courage and anatomical knowledge are absolute must-haves for cane and whip breeding. In other words: One thing at a time. First of all, the active part should get to know the right caning techniques and „striking points“ exactly. Because while blows to the buttocks are comparatively unproblematic in cane and whip breeding, the situation is quite different with blows to the kidney area.
The same applies to the intensity of the blows: Since the individual blows have a strong punctual effect and can leave clear marks, a successful dosage is of great importance. And nothing would be more inappropriate in cane and whip breeding than if the fun is over too quickly due to health problems of the passive part. So it is better to start slowly and increase the intensity gradually than to overdo it immediately. Then the pleasurable screams will also work!