Gyno Examination in Vienna
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The gynecological examination is probably the best-known type of play in the field of clinic sex. In most cases, a situation like that of a gynecologist is recreated in a role play. Many ladies are equipped accordingly in their own studios and have a specially equipped clinic room that is very similar to the treatment room in a doctor's surgery. The most important feature is of course the examination chair, which no gynecologist should be without.
Of course, no dominatrix will have a gynecological examination performed on herself. Therefore, this game can either be played between the customer and a maid of the dominatrix, or the lady may also accompany the gynecological examination of a paying girl.
Once the patient is correctly positioned, the gynecological examination can begin. The vagina can be opened using a speculum to provide as good an insight as possible.
Of course, experienced women also know how to insert a catheter without any health risks. In general, the gynecological examination concerns the vaginal area, but can also be extended to the buttocks.
Sex does not play a central role in the gynecological examination. In some cases, the participants get their kicks from the examination itself. For others, however, sex in the gynecological chair is the crowning glory of the gynecological examination.
Of course, no dominatrix will have a gynecological examination performed on herself. Therefore, this game can either be played between the customer and a maid of the dominatrix, or the lady may also accompany the gynecological examination of a paying girl.
No gyno examination without the right accessories
Even though catheters, gloves and speculums have long been available in well-stocked sex stores, professional ladies don't take any risks here. They are therefore happy to buy the appropriate equipment for gynaecological examinations from companies that also supply „real“ gynaecologists.Once the patient is correctly positioned, the gynecological examination can begin. The vagina can be opened using a speculum to provide as good an insight as possible.
Of course, experienced women also know how to insert a catheter without any health risks. In general, the gynecological examination concerns the vaginal area, but can also be extended to the buttocks.
Sex does not play a central role in the gynecological examination. In some cases, the participants get their kicks from the examination itself. For others, however, sex in the gynecological chair is the crowning glory of the gynecological examination.