Bizarre / Role-playing games in Vienna
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Laufhaus Juchgasse
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The stage that means the world: Once you've tasted acting, you almost always want to return to the stage. But even if you are more inclined towards performances in an intimate, private circle, you will still get your money's worth.
Bizarre changes and role-playing games open the doors to new worlds and allow people to completely reinvent themselves erotically and sexually. What would it be like to take a closer look behind the curtain?How well do bizarre changes and role-playing games and feelings of power go together?
Since bizarre changes and role-playing games originally come from the fetish and BDSM context, they are perfect for living out a clear sense of power. Whether the focus is on D/s – or S/M combinations is up to the players. There is no fixed script for bizarre changes and role-playing games, although some character constellations are particularly popular.
Bizarre changes and role-playing games open the doors to new worlds and allow people to completely reinvent themselves erotically and sexually. What would it be like to take a closer look behind the curtain?